VIDEO: red latex body

Oooh, you caught me! Do you like my outfit? It’s so sexy with my boobs exposed! It’s very tight! I tell you what: I will make it even better by adding lots of lube to make it all slippery and shiny! Look, it zips open all the way from the front to the back! Great view of my pussy and ass!

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  1. well done Natalia this is the kind of videos I love from you 🙂 just love hearing your sexy voice telling me what to do for sweet release on your lovely ass 🙂 the thought of cumming together is a dream, so you know I love it when you tell me what to do JOI wise along with simulated sex with you 🙂 please more videos like this not just music in the background 🙂

  2. Natalia,

    You look great in any colour, but I loved this vid of you in red. Loved hearing your voice in this vid.

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